Use internet without being tracked
- Use a VPN, I advise VPN.AC regarding their policies, servers, options and software.
- Use Firefox Quantum and deactivate WebRTC.
- Install following plugins on Firefox (NoScript, uMatrix, RandomUserAgent, Ublock, CookieDelete, HTTPS Upgrade, Decentraleyes.
- Use a search engine that doesn’t sells your data, or at least sells it for good actions.
- Use an encrypted way to communicate (Telegram, Signal,..). Whatsapp(Facebook) is probably selling the data before encrypting.
- On smartphone, I use the Brave browser, best one so far.
Delete old accounts in case you’re hacked
1- Use the thunderbird software to download your mails from all your email accounts.
2- Search for emails of account creation with keyword like “Confirm email”, “new account”, etc.
3- Log to these accounts, modify all the informations with fakes one. 4- Delete the account afterward.